Chapter 8 Built Heritage

Closed4 Jun, 2021, 00:00 - 30 Aug, 2021, 23:59

8.0 Introduction

The purpose of this chapter is to set out strategies and objectives with regard to the built heritage of the County. The maps and schedules associated with this chapter are presented at the end of the chapter. 

The built heritage of Wicklow refers to all man-made features, buildings or structures in the environment.  This includes a rich and varied archaeological and architectural heritage to be found throughout the countryside and within the historic towns and villages of the county. 
Archaeological sites, features and objects both above and below ground, or underwater are evidence of human settlement from our earliest ancestors down to more recent centuries and provide information on how people in the area lived, worked and died.  

The architectural heritage relates to visible structures or buildings above ground of special value locally, regionally, nationally or even internationally. It covers many different building types, such as domestic houses, churches and shop premises but also includes other built elements such as bridges, piers, roads, engine houses, railways, holy wells, boundary walls to large estates, millraces, sluices and street furniture.  

The architectural and archaeological heritage of a town, village or place contributes greatly to the distinctive character of each local area. The Council is committed to safeguarding this heritage so that future generations may also enjoy this inheritance. This can be achieved by sensitively managing changes that occur to this heritage and by ensuring that significant elements, features or sites are retained. 

Built Heritage Strategy 

  • To ensure that the protection and conservation of the built heritage of Wicklow is an integral part of the sustainable development of the county and safeguard this valuable, and in many instances, non-renewable resource through proper management, sensitive enhancement and appropriate development;
  • To safeguard archaeological sites, monuments, objects and their settings above and below ground and water listed in the Record of Monuments and Places (RMP), and any additional newly discovered archaeological remains;
  • To identify and protect archaeologically sensitive historic landscapes;
  • To ensure the protection of the architectural heritage of Wicklow through the identification of Protected Structures, the designation of Architectural Conservation Areas, the safeguarding of designed landscapes and historic gardens, and the recognition of structures and elements that contribute positively to the vernacular and industrial heritage of the County; and
  • To support the actions in the County Wicklow Heritage Plan, in order to enhance the understanding, appreciation and protection of Wicklow’s built heritage.

Continue reading Chapter 8: Download PDF 



Please see attached submission on Chapter 8 Built Heritage by GAP Community.
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See attached submission and report on the draft County Development Plan