Draft Wicklow County Development Plan 2021-2027
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The final adopted plan is available HERE
We welcome your submissions
The Draft Wicklow County Development Plan has been prepared in accordance with the provision of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and is now on public display for 10 weeks.
The Draft Plan is accompanied by a Strategic Environmental Report and an Appropriate Assessment.
The Draft Plan and associated environmental reports will be on public display and available for public inspection from 4th June to 30th August 2021 (both dates inclusive) here on the public consultation portal or at the following locations:
- Wicklow Town Wicklow County Council, County Buildings, Station Road, Wicklow Town
- Arklow Arklow Municipal District Office, Castle Park, Arklow Town
- Blessington Blessington Civic Offices, Blessington Business Park, Blessington
- Bray Bray Municipal District Office, Civic Offices, Main Street, Bray
- Greystones Greystones Municipal District Office, Mill Road, Greystones
Please check the Council’s website or call 0404 20100 for arrangements to access to these buildings as appointments may be necessary having regard to prevailing COVID precautions.
An interactive webmap has been prepared and can be viewed here.
Hard copies of the Draft Plan [written statement, including appendices, environmental report and maps] will be available to purchase only on request (please call 0404 20100).
Have your say
The plan making process is a collaborative one and we are looking for your views on the Draft County Development Plan. Wicklow County Council hereby invites any interested individuals or parties to make submissions and observations in respect of the Draft Plan. Children, or groups or associations representing the interests of children, are entitled to make submissions or observations.
Submissions may be made between Friday 4th June to Monday 30th August 2021 (both dates inclusive) in the following way.
Please make your submission by one medium only as follows:
Via this public consultation portal
or -
In writing, marked Draft County Development Plan to the following:
Forward Planning, Wicklow County Council, Station Road, Wicklow Town, A67 FW96.
All submissions should include your name and a contact address, a map (where appropriate) and, where relevant, details of any organisation, community group or company etc., which you represent.
Email submissions will not be accepted.
Please note that all submissions will be made available for public viewing on the Council’s consultation website during the plan-making period.