Chapter 17 Natural Heritage and Biodiversity

Closed4 Jun, 2021, 00:00 - 30 Aug, 2021, 23:59

17.0 Introduction

The purpose of this chapter is to set out strategies and objectives with regard to the natural heritage and biodiversity in the County. The chapter also encompasses landscape conservation. The maps and schedules associated with this chapter are presented at the end of the chapter. 

Natural heritage includes the variety of life, often referred to as biodiversity, its physical or geological foundation, and the landscapes which form the surrounding environment. Wicklow supports a good diversity of natural and semi natural habitats such as marine, coastal, wetland, woodland, lake, river and uplands that in turn support a wide range of associated wild plant and animal species. There are also many geological heritage sites of interest in the County which are an important element of the natural heritage.  The conservation and management of the natural environment must be viewed as a central element in the long-term economic and social development of the County. Protecting and enhancing biodiversity and landscapes is vital for the health, well-being and quality of life of communities today and will also be vitally important in the future in adapting to climate change.  

The Council has an important role to play when it comes to promoting a reasonable balance between conservation measures and development needs, in order to avoid negative impacts upon the natural environment, mitigate the effects of harm where it cannot be avoided, and to promote the appropriate enhancement of the natural environment as an integral part of any development. The County Wicklow Heritage Plan provides one framework through which the Council works actively with other partner organisations on initiatives to further our understanding, protection and appreciation of Wicklow’s natural heritage resource. 

This part of the plan will also address landscape issues not solely related to nature conservation, such as landscape characterisation and identification of views and prospects worthy of protection.  

Biodiversity refers to the variety of life on earth.  It includes the habitats and ecosystems, which support this life and how life-forms interact with each other and the rest of the environment. Biodiversity covers plants, animals and micro-organisms both on land and in water. It relates to both wildlife and domesticated crops and animals. The biological diversity we see today is the result of millions of years of evolution.  The conservation and enhancement of biodiversity will require the suitable and sustainable protection of designated habitats, the linkages between natural sites (whether they are natural or man-made) and the range of species in the ecosystem. 

It is the overall strategy of this plan to: 

  • To conserve and enhance biodiversity in recognition of the many ecosystem services provided to society; 
  • To avoid negative impacts upon the natural environment and promote appropriate enhancement of the natural environment as an integral part of any development;
  • To promote an integrated approach to landscape planning and management in order to protect the County’s unique landscape character;
  • To conserve and enhance the County’s geological heritage; and
  • To support the actions in the County Wicklow Heritage Plan which seek to enhance the understanding, appreciation and protection of Wicklow’s biodiversity including the County Wicklow Biodiversity Action Plan.

With reference to the National, Regional and County Objectives set out in Chapter 2 of this plan, the protection and enhancement of natural heritage and biodiversity will contribute to numerous goals across the three pillars of ‘sustainable healthy communities’, ‘climate action’ and ‘economic opportunity’ by: 
-    protecting our natural capital, which underpins our economy and society, which provides us with the food we eat, the air we breathe, the
     water we depend on for life and numerous other goods and services we depend on for health, happiness and prosperity;
-    protecting and enhancing Green Infrastructure and ecosystem services and promote the sustainable management of strategic natural
     assets such as coastlines, farmlands, peatlands, uplands, woodlands and wetlands;
-    conserving and enhancing biodiversity, protected habitats and species;
-    conserving and enhancement of water resources including sea, rivers, lakes and groundwater;
-    contributing to reduction and management of flood risk;
-    promoting and facilitating an environmentally sustainable approach to practicing agriculture and forestry;
-    supporting appropriate human access to natural assets and areas as a recreational resource, supporting physical and mental wellbeing.

Continue reading Chapter 17. Download PDF




See attached submission regarding additional proposed Tree Protection Orders for Blessington & surrounds.  
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