Level 5 - Plans: Introduction
Part 1.1 Introduction to Level 5 Plans – General Objectives
Section 1.1.10 Flood Risk Assessment
As part of each plan addressed in this appendix, a Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) has been carried out. The assessment is presented as part of the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment appendix of the County Plan. All applications shall be assessed in accordance with the provisions of ‘The Planning System and Flood Risk Management’ Guidelines (DoEHLG 2009) and the flood management objectives of the County Development Plan.
Where existing development is located within Flood Zones A or B, new development shall be limited to minor development only; any proposals for new development should be accompanied by an appropriately detailed FRA, undertaken in accordance with Section 4 of the SFRA and the relevant policies and objectives in the County Development Plan.
Any proposals for new development in Flood Zones A or B shall be accompanied by an appropriately detailed FRA, undertaken in accordance with Section 4 of this SFRA and the relevant policies and objectives in the County Development Plan, and in particular, where the lands at risk of flooding form part of a larger development site, the sequential approach shall be applied in the site planning, to ensure no encroachment onto, or loss of the flood plain, or that only water compatible development such as Open Space will be permitted for the lands which are identified as being at risk of flooding within the site.