Section 4.9       Action Area Plans & Specific Local Objectives

SLO 3  

This SLO is located to the north of Scoil Aodhan Naofa measuring c. 4.2ha and shall be delivered as a comprehensive residential (c.3.5ha) and new community development (c.0.7ha) in accordance with the following criteria:

  • Access to these lands shall be provided via the Coolattin Road, with a through road being provided to the community zoned lands. Only 50% of the proposed residential element of this SLO shall be developed prior to the completion of the community element of this area.
  • The community lands shall be developed as a car park, with necessary turning bays and drop-off points and pedestrian access being provided to the existing primary school. A grant of easement along this road shall be provided by the landowner to the primary school and the car park shall be available to school users at all times that the school is in use.

Land Use Map

Change from: ‘  AOS Active Open Space’ (c. 4.2ha)

Change to:        ‘RN New Residential’ (3.5ha) and ‘CE Community & Education’ (0.7ha)



  1. To extend plan boundary
  2. Zone lands measuring c.1.2ha (as shown below) for part ‘RN New Residential’ use and part ‘OS1 Open Space’.

Land Use Map



  1. To extend plan boundary
  2. Zone lands measuring c.2ha (as shown in blue hatch below) for ‘RN New Residential’ use.

Land Use Map