Level 5 - Ashford
Closed27 Apr, 2022, 09:00 - 25 May, 2022, 17:00
Section 2.9 Action Area Plans & Specific Local Objectives
Action Area 1 SLO-3 Inchanappa South
This Action Area SLO area is located on lands at Inchanappa South, west of the existing Glanbia premises and north of Ashford national school. The overall action area measures c. 16.5ha 10.5ha, as shown below. This action area shall be delivered as an employment and community open space zone in accordance with the following criteria:
- Development of these lands shall provide a new public road linking the R764 to the R772, which will service the development of the employment zoned lands.
- Any buildings proposed along the eastern boundary of this action area shall address the R772 and be of a high-quality design and finish providing for both hard and soft landscaping in order to provide an attractive northern entrance to the town of Ashford.
- The existing stream running through these lands shall be incorporated in the overall design and layout of the action area, but it shall be left in a natural condition with a minimum set back of any development (including landscaped areas) of at least 30m on both sides.
- A minimum area of 2ha shall be developed as a sports ground (the location shown below is for indicative purposes only with the overall layout subject to detailed design), including the laying out of pitches and the construction of appropriate parking and changing room facilities. The future management/maintenance arrangements and use of this facility shall be agreed with Wicklow County Council prior to the commencement of its use.
- Only 50% of the proposed employment lands may be developed prior to the completion of the required sports facilities.
Land Use Map
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