Section 4.9       Action Areas

Action Area 1  Lands to the east of Main Street

The development of these lands provide an opportunity to provide a new 'street' to the east of the Main Street, (the design of which shall be determined following detailed survey consideration of options and public consultation), fronted by a mix of shops and residences; this street should form a complete loop from the Main Street and should incorporate a new town car park with pedestrian and vehicular access from the Main Street to the north (R755) and the Station Road to the south (R752). Pedestrian / cycle lane access to the Main Street will complete the loop through the Parnell Memorial Park. The new town centre car park should be located to the west of the New 'Street' and to the east of the Main Street (as indicated on the AA1 map). This is the preferred location in the town for any larger scale retailing, such as a new supermarket. Any development proposals shall include a reservation of land along the rear boundaries of properties on the Main Street to ensure future access could be provided; all of these measures could contribute to the reduction of cars and car parking from Main Street, thereby improving its overall character and level of amenity.

Objectives AA1

  • To provide for a mix of uses capable of accommodating retail / commercial / community development;
  • A 'town centre' type density will be required to be achieved across the TC zone of the site; a site coverage of at least 50% and a plot ratio of at least 1:0.5 will be expected;
  • A new street shall be provided linking the northern and southern ends of the Main Street and new uses should form active frontage along same, with vehicular and pedestrian access via the R755 to the north and the R752 to the south. Pedestrian / cycle lane access shall also be provided through the Parnell Memorial Park to the southwest.
  • The lands to the west of the new street shall generally be reserved for commercial / retail /community uses; the Planning Authority may phase and / or restrict residential development to ensure this element is delivered;
  • A new town car park shall be provided to the west of the "new street" and to the east of the Main Street, as part of any development proposals;
  • Any development located to the immediate east of existing properties of the Main Street should be so laid out as to facilitate the future development of these backlands and the possibility of the creation of new pedestrian and the possibility of the creation of new pedestrian links through to the Main Street;



Section 4.9       Action Areas

Action Area 2   Knockadosan

These lands located at Knockadosan, measure c. 12.5ha and are zoned for residential use (c. 6.5ha) and active open space use (6ha). The development of these lands provides an opportunity to deliver a new sports area to the west of the town (where the majority of existing / planned housing is located) and for the construction of the new street incorporating frontage from the Greenane Road to the Avoca Road via Brewery Bend that would enhance accessibility of community and commercial facilities for the residents of the development and the town.

This action area shall be developed as a residential and active open space zone in accordance with the following criteria:

  • A minimum area of 6ha shall be provided by the developer as an active open space / sports facility. The location, layout, design and future management structure of this facility shall be agreed with Wicklow County Council in advance of the occupation of any residential units;
  • A maximum of 6.5ha may be developed for residential use, including all services, open spaces, childcare facilities etc required for that quantum of development;
  • The road layout provided within the lands shall be so designed to allow for through access from the Greenane Road to Brewery Bend.

Land Use Map

  1. To extend the plan boundary to include the lands outlined in blue on map below (c. 12.5ha) and identify these lands as an ‘Action Area 2’
  2. Zone c. 6ha for ‘AOS - Active Open Space’
  3. Zone c. 6.5ha for ‘RN-New Residential’