Level 4 - Newtownmountkennedy
Closed27 Apr, 2022, 09:00 - 25 May, 2022, 17:00
Section 3.9 Action Areas & Specific Local Objectives
Add new ‘SLO - Specific Local Objective’
This SLO is located to the west of the new distributer road, adjoining land identified for a future parkland along the river. This SLO measures c. 5.7ha and shall be developed as an Open Space and Community development in accordance with the following criteria:
- Not less than 4ha shall be laid out and dedicated to the public as public parkland, in conjunction with the design for the adjoining development;
- A maximum area of c. 1.6ha on lands zoned CE may be developed for nursing home use
- The design of any such development shall integrate into the parkland setting and shall provide for passive supervision of the parkland area; where any access roads are required across land zone OS they shall be so designed as to allow the park, and users of same, to flow safety across;
- No construction may commence on the nursing home until this park is competed and open to the public.
Land Use Map
Change from: OS1
Change to: OS1 & CE (hatch blue area) (+ SLO designation)