Chapter 7: Community Development

Closed27 Apr, 2022, 09:00 - 25 May, 2022, 17:00

The following material alterations are proposed to Chapter 7– Community Development  . The proposed alterations should be read in conjunction with the original draft chapter which can be viewed here.


Section 7.1       Local Strategies

7.1.4 Wicklow Children and Young People’s Plan [CYPP] 2020-2022

Wicklow Children and Young People’s Services Committee [CYPSC] was formally established in April 2011. The purpose of the Children and Young People’s Services Committees is to secure better outcomes for children and young people through more effective co-operation and collaboration by existing services and through interventions at local level. Between 2011 and to date two action plans have been developed and implemented to address local needs as consistent with the national outcomes framework. The Wicklow CYPSC 2020-2022 Plan will continue to progress necessary work to meet ongoing and emerging needs.

CYPSC’s work towards the five national outcomes for children and young people in Ireland. These are that children and young people

1. Are active and healthy, with positive physical and mental wellbeing

2. Are achieving full potential in all areas of learning and development

3. Are safe and protected from harm

4. Have economic security and opportunity

5. Are connected, respected and contributing to their world

The CYPP presents a coordinated interagency approach to the delivery of services to children and young people in Wicklow for 2020 to 2022 by all agencies in Wicklow. It reflects the priorities that have been identified from an analysis of the needs in the county and a commitment by members to address these needs over the three years of the plan. The voice of children and young people is represented and the CYPSC is committed to strengthening participation with children and young people further during the lifetime of this plan.



Section 7.3       Social Infrastructure

7.3.5       Allotments and community gardens

An emerging new form of open space is the use of land for allotments. Interest and activity continues to grow in the use of land for allotments and community gardens. Allotment gardens allow a number of people to cultivate their own vegetables in individual plots/land parcels on lands owned by another private individual or body. The individual size of a plot/parcel ranges between 200-400sqm and often the plots include a shed for tools and shelter. The individual gardeners are usually organised in an allotment association which leases the land from the owner who may be a public, private or ecclesiastical entity, provided that it is only used for gardening (i.e. growing vegetables, fruits and flowers), but not for residential purposes.  Unlike allotments which are plots of land that are worked on by individuals or families, a community garden is all about sharing – both the work and the harvest.

Public allotments and community gardens are becoming an increasingly important element of sustainable communities. They have a number of benefits including the promotion of healthy lifestyles, biodiversity and providing a cheaper local and sustainable source of food. The Council supports the provision and wider distribution of such facilities across the County.      



Section 7.3       Social Infrastructure

7.3.6       Swimming

Swimming is a sport that enhances safety on and near water and is a form of physical activity that is particularly well-suited to lifelong participation. It is one of the few sports that is accessible by all ages, genders and abilities, regardless of fitness levels or health status. The importance of swimming as a sport in its own right and as a gateway to other sports including surfing, rowing, canoeing and kayaking is recognised in the National Sports Policy 2018 – 2027. The expansion and improvement of indoor and outdoor swimming facilities will be supported.



Section 7.4       Community Development Objectives

CPO 7.1       To consult and engage with prescribed bodies, National Governing Bodies of Sport, local community interest groups and individuals during the local plan-making process for towns and villages to determine community / social infrastructure deficiencies and needs in accordance with the provisions of the Planning and Development Act.



Section 7.4       Community Development Objectives

CPO 7.5       Housing development shall be managed and phased to ensure that infrastructure is adequate or is being provided to match the needs of new residents.

Where specified by the Planning Authority, New significant[18] residential or mixed use development proposals (of which residential development forms a component), may shall be required to provide a social and community facility/facilities as part of the proposed the developer or the developer may be required to carry out be accompanied by a Social Infrastructure Audit, to determine if social and community facilities in the area are sufficient to provide for the needs of the future residents. Where deficiencies are identified, proposals will be required to either rectify the deficiency, or suitably restrict or phase the development in accordance with the capacity of existing or planned services.

New significant residential or mixed use development proposals shall be required to be accompanied by a ‘Accessibility Report’ that demonstrates that new residents / occupants / employees (including children and those with special mobility needs) will be able to safely access through means other than the private car:

  1. local services including shops, schools, health care and recreational and sports facilities, and
  2. public transport services.

Where deficiencies are identified, proposals will be required to either rectify the deficiency, or suitably restrict or phase the development in accordance with the capacity/quality of existing or planned linkages as part of the local area plan preparation.



Section 7.4       Community Development Objectives

CPO7.14       Where practicable, education, community, recreational and open space facilities shall be clustered. However, schools shall continue to make provision for their own recreational facilities as appropriate. The need for schools to have access to local sports and swimming facilities is also recognised and will be taken into account when considering the need and planning and development of such facilities.



Section 7.4       Community Development Objectives

CPO 7.31     Support the objectives of public health policy including Healthy Ireland, National Sports Policy and the National Physical Activity Plan.



Section 7.4       Community Development Objectives

CPO 7.43      To prioritise, facilitate and support the development of a community swimming pool facility and a sports complex within the western region of the County, so located to achieve maximum accessibility to the residents of West Wicklow.



Section 7.4       Community Development Objectives

CPO 7.48      To support and facilitate the development of allotments and community gardens, of an appropriate scale, on lands which meet the following criteria:

  • land situated within or immediately adjacent to the edge of towns/villages;
  • land that is easily accessible to the residents of a particular town or village;
  • where an adequate water supply can be provided;
  • where adequate road infrastructure and access exists/can be provided; and
  • where adequate parking facilities can be provided.



Section 7.4       Community Development Objectives

Residential & Day Care

CPO7.XX          To provide for new nursing home / residential care facility for the elderly at location shown on Map 7.01

  • Kilmullen, Newcastle (c. 2ha)

To zone lands as shown on Map 7.01 below for nursing home use