Chapter 16 : Information Communication and Energy

Closed27 Apr, 2022, 09:00 - 25 May, 2022, 17:00

The following material alterations are proposed to Chapter 16 –  Information Communication and Energy.  The proposed alterations should be read in conjunction with the original draft chapter which can be viewed here.


Section 16.2     Energy Infrastructure

16.2.1               Electricity Generation

In accordance with the provisions of section 28(1C) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), and having regard to the Government’s commitment in the Climate Action Plan 2019 to achieve 70% of electricity from renewable sources by 2030 (adding 12GW of renewable energy capacity nationally), National Policy Objective 55 which promotes renewable energy use and generation to meet national targets, and section 28 guidelines Wind Energy Development Guidelines 2006 and the Interim Guidelines for Planning Authorities on Statutory Plans, Renewable Energy and Climate Change 2017, the development plan aims to put in place the appropriate supports that will allow County Wicklow to contribute its share of the additional on-shore national renewable electricity target, which estimated to be 255MW.

Footnote: With respect to meeting the County’s share of national renewable energy targets, having regard to the national target of 12GW, and of this the wind energy targets being +3.5GW of off-shore wind energy and +4.2GW of additional on-shore wind energy (source: 2019 Climate Action Plan), County Wicklow should endeavour to deliver 3% of the on-shore growth requirement (Wicklow comprising 3% of the land mass of the Republic of Ireland), which equates to +255MW.



Section 16.3     Energy Infrastructure and Communications Objectives

General Energy Objectives

CPO 16.XX       To support and facilitate to the highest degree possible the development of alternative and renewable sources of energy, particularly in the generation of electricity / heating and for use as transport fuel.



Section 16.3     Energy Infrastructure and Communications Objectives

General Energy Objectives

CPO 16.XX        To support and facilitate the co-location of renewable energy developments and technologies to ensure the most efficient use of land identified as suitable for renewable energy generation



Section 16.3     Energy Infrastructure and Communications Objectives

General Energy Objectives

CPO 16.XX        To support and promote the development of ‘Sustainable Energy Communities’ and in particular to encourage and facilitate developments that are energy neutral / low emission, integrate renewable energy technology or involve local renewable energy production.



Section 16.3     Energy Infrastructure and Communications Objectives

General Energy Objectives

CPO 16.XX        To support the research and development of green hydrogen as a fuel for power generation, manufacturing, energy storage and transport.



Section 16.3     Energy Infrastructure and Communications Objectives

Bio Energy Objectives

CPO 16.9          To facilitate the development of projects that convert biomass to gas or electricity, subject to demonstration that such projects are resource efficient having regard to carbon emissions resulting from the growth, harvesting and transport of inputs, and do not result in unsustainable climate damaging agricultural intensification



Section 16.3     Energy Infrastructure and Communications Objective

Transport Energy Objectives

CPO 16.26        To facilitate the development of services and utilities for electric vehicles and other low emission alternative vehicles / fuel types, including the roll-out of additional electric charging points and alternative fuel distribution infrastructure in collaboration with relevant agencies, at appropriate locations.




Please find our submission attached in PDF format.   Best, Denis
Please see attached submission on behalf of Electricity Supply Board
Please see attached letter
We note the Plan supports the construction of offshore windfarms.  In the event that offshore energy installations (including offshore windfarms, tidal and wave generators) are proposed, the...